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Eclipse Project / Issues Management System
Update an Issue

Latest update information displayed first. You can automatically see information about who made the last update to an issue and when they made it.
Attach new or update existing files directly to an issue. EPIMS allows files to be attached to issues, which can help to explain or define an issue more clearly. For example, you could upload screen shots, images, flowcharts, etc. This can be the cure for the headache of emailing documents back and forth, because the appropriate files will be directly linked to the issue.
Update information about the main issue details. Updates are made in the fields that are used to define the issue.
E-Mail the updated information about the issue to anyone you want. The system allows you to send the updated issue information to the person responsible for the resolution of the issue and anyone else you want to send it to.
Document the progress of the issue. This section allows you to keep track of what is being done to resolve this issue or to close it once it has been resolved.
Progress Notes are stamped with user name and date/time. Many issues are not easily resolved; they require continuous attention and updates from the project team. The steps that are being taken to resolve an issue can be documented by using the Progress Notes feature. EPIMS stamps each Progress Note with the name of the user who added the note and when they added it.
The Update Trail keeps track of how the issue has been updated. Each time a user makes any type of update to an issue, that information is recorded by EPIMS in the Update Trail. Changes in the issue's status are also recorded in the update trail. Using this information in conjunction with the Progress Notes feature keeps you abreast of the history of the issue.


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