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Eclipse Project
System Requirements

Hosted Option System Requirements
The "Hosted Option" simply means that the system is housed on our servers. This means that you do not have to worry about purchasing any new server hardware or software to use the system; we do all of the setup for you at no additional cost.

The only requirements for using the Eclipse Project system are having a PC with an Internet connection and the Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5.5 (or higher) web browser with Javascript enabled. If you want to view pages using the SSL option, you will need to insure that your browser's encryption strength is 128-bit.

Source Code Option System Requirements
Some organizations prefer to keep issues and project management information internal. Our Source Code Option allows you to house the Eclipse Project system on your internal servers. If you are interested in the Source Code Option, please contact us for pricing.

If you choose our Source Code Option, you will need the following:

Minimum Server Hardware Requirements

  • Pentium III (or equivalent) or greater, 600 MHz or greater
  • 256 mb of RAM
  • 1 GB of Hard Drive Space Available
Minimum OS / Software Requirements
  • Windows Server 2000 with Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0
    -- This server must have access to an e-mail server
  • A Server with Microsoft SQL 2000 Server (Standard or Enterprise)


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