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Eclipse Project
Item Listings

Users can view listings that display all of the items for a specific item type. The items are categorized by their status and listed in a table view.

The Item Type is clearly displayed. To ensure that you are working with the correct set of items for a project, the item type is displayed with a graphic and text specific to that type of item. For the example below, the Issues Item Type is displayed.
Instant "Help" Information. Eclipse Project provides quick, easy access to a help section for the page.
Items are grouped by their status.
Overdue Items are clearly identified. If any of the non-closed Items are overdue, their target resolution dates will appear in bold, RED text.
Full Item Details can be viewed by clicking the description.
Edit access is determined by the user's Rights to each project. Users can be assigned different levels of rights for each project they have access to in the system. If a user has rights to edit an item, an Edit Icon link will appear in the row of that item.


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