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Eclipse Project
Project Documents

Instant "Help" Information. Eclipse Project provides quick, easy access to a help section for the page.
Attach new Documents/Files to the project. Eclipse Project allows you to upload files that are crucial to the project team. These documents are then accessible to everyone who has rights to the project through the system. All uploaded files can be easily referenced by the team members, eliminating the need to e-mail these documents back and forth. For example, you might want to upload meeting agendas and minutes, project plans, etc. so that team members can access them whenever they need.
Detailed information about existing files are displayed in a table. So users can quickly determine information about the files attached to a project, details about each file are displayed in a table. To view/download a document, just click on the document's title.
Update or delete a document from the list. Updates or deletions can be made by clicking the "Edit / Delete" link in that document's row.


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